
Drift Star 8 | 1/10 Exceed RC Brushless Nissan 350Z - Long Drift

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
1,208 Zobrazení
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com WebSite: www.darkdragonwing.com Brushless RC Drift I 1/10 Electric Exceed RC 4WD - New Brushless Drift Star [ www.nitrorcx.com ] We had this Drift Star Nissan 350z for over a year now. It is time for upgrade. We put a new brushless system in this RC Drift Star. It was really powerful that it makes the road feel very slippery. So, we program the ESC start mode to Level 1 instead of level 9 (very aggressive.) Sensorless Brushless Motor [EZrun 3650 Motor] 5.5T [6000KV] EZrun-60A-SL [Continue Current 60A Burst Current: 380A] Sky Lipo baterry 5000mAh [2 cell 7.4] [40c continuous/ 80c burst] 2.4Ghz Brushless Version Exceed RC Drift Star Electric Powered RTR Remote Control Drift Racing Car 350 Carbon Blue Style [รถบังคับ แม็กกี้ แมนนี้] [Darkdragonwings] [Manny and Mackey] [1/10 RC Drift Star] [Brushless RC]
On road

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