
Drift Car to Rally Car Conversion Mitsubishi Evo vs Subaru 22b

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
1,218 Zobrazení
We took our Mad Speed and Drift Stars, did a few mods and now it's a full on Rally Car. Bodies were from our Cen Racing series vehicles. Check out how awesome they look in our little video Check out our new video on how to turn your drift car into a rally beast! - coming soon
Off road
Rally Car Conversion, action, rally car, mitusbishi evo, subaru wrx sti, drifting, exced, madspeed, driftstar, Subaru Impreza WRX STI, Mitsubishi, Drifting (motorsport), Lancer, radio control, Colin, Adventure, Race, Racing, 22b, subaru, sti 22b, rc rally conversion

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