
Crazy slopesoaring aerobatics with a Vortex - 4m RC Glider

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Vloženo před by admin
1,171 Zobrazení
On board camera Go Pro HD + 5D MK II were hardly enough to shoot a modified Vortex Tangent and its hot pilot when they ripped out the hill. If YouTube blocks this video/music in your country, try this: vimeo.com See another video of this duo: youtu.be
RC Letadla
Vortex Tangent, Vortex, Tangent, Airtech, Airtech-rc, slope saoring, hangflug, vol de pente, vdp, alpe d'huez, col de poutran, France, isère, planeur rc, segelflugzeug, glider, sailplane, Go Pro HD, EOS 5D MK II, Glider (sailplane), Gliding

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