
Catch any size fish! With Fish Fun Co Remote Control Fishing Boats, and 'The RC Fishing Pole'

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
1,129 Zobrazení
I show how there's no limit to the size of fish you can catch with the Remote Control Fishing Pole. To get your own RC Fishing Pole, go to; www.rcfishingworld.com Please visit http and tell us about your RC Fishing adventures on the "Braggin' Board!" Most of us have played with a remote control toy at one time or another so, learning how to go fishing with ar/c boat is easy and more fun than a video game. RC Fishing is a new take on fishing, and for some of us it provides a soluution to fish under low lying branches where we cant cast, and to navigate our line to inacessable spots. The youngsters with all of their electronic gadgetry love it too, for them it takes fishing to another level These Fish Fun Co Remote Control Fishing Boats have one thing in common, "The RC Fishing Pole"! Pick a Fish Fun Co. remote controlled fishing boat or use your own. "The RC Fishing Pole" turns any r/c boat into ar/c fishin' boat, Two ways to catch fish, this video shows the line release way. Or you can let the boat pull in the fish!
RC Vodní
remote, control, boats, for, fishing, cntrol, rc, the, pole, radio

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