
BlitzRCWorks A-10 Warthog Thunderbolt II RC Fighter Jet

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Vloženo před by admin
891 Zobrazení
Sorry...I spelled Agustin's name wrong....This is Agustin's new A-10 Warthog. A great plane, but with the rcommended 2200mah 3cell lipo we had only about a 3 minute flight before the battery went down and a tough crash ensued.... I tried to get is back in one piece...but it stalled at the end. I was trying to nose it down to get some air over the control surfaces....but you see the end result...... . 6 CH BlitzRCWorks A-10 Warthog Thunderbold II Aerobatic Radio Remote Control Electric Ducted Fan RC Fighter Jet RTF w/ Twin 64mm EDF
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