
Blade 450 3D Aerobatic Electric Rc Helicopter

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
1,085 Zobrazení
Available in Ready to fly Complete or Bind N Fly Basic with no radio or battery for those who already have them. Check it out here: www.redrockethobbies.com The Blade 450 3D RTF blasts ready-to-fly 3D heli performance to new levels of precision and power. It comes completely assembled and equipped for aggressive 3D aerobatics with the kind of pro-class electronics and mechanics you would expect to find in more expensive kits that take hours to build. It's even been flight tested and had the rotors balanced at the factory so you don't have to do any setup. Simply charge its 3S 2200mAh 30C Li-Po battery and fly.
RC Vrtulníky
blade heli, blade helicopter, blade 450, rc helicopter, electric rc helicopter

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