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Vloženo před by admin
761 Zobrazení
In 2004, Extreme Flight RC released the original 50cc Yak-54 ARF. This legendary airframe redefined the meaning of quality and performance in ARF aerobatic aircraft and spawned a wave of imitators that simply missed out on the magic elements of this design. In 2007 Extreme Flight RC will once again raise the bar. Introducing the new Extreme Flight RC 88 inch Yak-54! Rather than rest on their laurels and re-release the original design, Extreme Flight have gathered all the information gleaned from several years of flying Yaks and teamed with modern day CAD master designer Mike Hall to create what is believed to be Extreme Flights best release to date. Considerably bigger than our original Yak and much more scale in appearance, the new 88 inch Yak-54 features many of the unique design features and quality components that made the original so popular such as carbon fiber wing and stab tubes, double truss composite control horns, titanium turnbuckle pushrods, heavy duty ball links, wing and stab bags, canopy/hatch cover, showroom quality painted fiberglass cowl and wheel spats and a professionally applied Ultracote finish. Performance enhancements include a longer tail moment for even more stability and improved tracking, taller fuselage, which not only aids knife edge performance (knife edge loops recover at idle!) but helps retain scale appearance, larger tapered ailerons for even faster roll rate and increased roll axis authority at near zero airspeed. Maximum travel ...
RC Letadla
radio, control, plane, rc, 88, yak 54 freestyle freestylerc freestyle-rc extremef

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