4K Close Up! 20+ RC Drift Cars Amazing Details Drift Action Devils Drift Crew Friedrichshafen 2022

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192 Zobrazení
20+ Amazing RC Drift Cars with lots of Details and in Drift Action on the Drift Parcours from the "Devils Drift Crew" / 4K Close Up / All Drift Cars are in Scale 1/10 / Model Building Fair "Faszination Modellbau 2022" / Friedrichshafen / Germany

Huge thanks to all members of the Devils Drift Crew and their guest drivers on the RC Drift Parcours!

Check out the Devils Drift Crew:


This video took hours to make. If you like it, please subscribe, thumbs up and comment.

#rcdrift #driftcar #rcworld #drifting #rccar #rccars #rcdrifting
On road

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