
2011 IFMAR Worlds RC Racing - Vaasa, Finland

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Highlights from the 2011 IFMAR 1:10 Electric Buggy Worlds held in Vaasa, Finland July 17 - 24, 2011. JConcepts was bestowed the honor of being the controlled tire for this event, all racers were required to run JConcepts Double Dee's for 2wd Buggy rear tires and Flip Outs for 4wd front and rear. 2wd front tires were open with most drivers choosing to run JConcepts Rips up front with a few using JConcepts Groovy's and Rounders, also with much success. "Coolest Race Ever" The top drivers in RC gathered in Vaasa to race for the most respected title in the sport, the title of the World Champion. 155 drivers from 22 countries enjoyed their stay in Vaasa for eight days. The track, which was tweaked to perfection, was especially praised both by competitors and team managers. The slogan for the race was "Coolest Race Ever". Two years before the race the organizers decided to make the 2011 World Championships the best RC event ever seen. The race ended up meeting and in many ways even exceeding the expectations. Both the racers and team managers thought that it was one of the best races ever. The clay track, which was in good condition during the entire race, was especially praised.
RC Auta
IFMAR, Worlds, Buggy, Championship, Coolest Race Ever, Vaasa, finland, greatest, finnish, best, world's, helsinki, forever, biggest, nations, sunrise

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