
1990 South Dixie RC Car Club, Miami.mp4

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Vloženo před by admin
1,156 Zobrazení
The South Dixie RC Car Club ran 1/8 scale on-road fuel races in Miami, Florida. Ray Schneider from Orange Blossom Hobbies told me about these events, and on one of my visits to Miami I stopped by for a day. It was fascinating - the club would set up a temporary track for a weekend's fun, then tear it down until the next event. Many, MANY things have changed in the past twenty years. Now we use IFMAR starts for qualifying - back then, the cars lined up alongside each other, and it was a drag race to the first turn!
RC Auta
radio, control, rc, r/c, nitro, fuel, racing, competition, south, dixie, car, club, sports, models

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