RC Helicopter flown Indoor!!! Thunder Tiger Mini Titan 450 SE flown by Aaron Shell at the Apex Rac

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The Mini Titan SE micro electric helicopter from Thunder Tiger gets a real 3D workout inside the Apex Racing Go-Karting track in Tumwater Washington. The helicopter is setup with a stock motor and speed control fed with a Flight Power 2500 mAh LiPo battery. Control is a Futaba 14mz on 72mhz with an R146ip receiver, a Futaba GY 401 gyro with a 9650 servo on the tail and Hitec HS-56HB servos on cyclic.
RC Vrtulníky
rc, heli, helicopter, 3d, flying, aircraft, radio, control, r/c, Aaron, Shell, indoor, apex, go-kart

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